Saturday, 31 January 2009


Today I got two sales in one of my etsy shops! They came completely out of the blue, so I was very excited. Although I am sad about one of the necklaces I sold (the one pictured here) because I secretly hoped it wouldn't sell so that I could keep it! :D That is the perennial problem with being a jewellery seller - you have to actually SELL the stuff you make! 

Am about to sign up to do some craft fairs over the next few weeks. I really love going to them because you meet such lovely people! I heart the crafting community. Am hoping to give you all feedback on the fairs I do and let you know if any techniques I employ work. Watch this space...

Friday, 30 January 2009

My First Blog!

Well this is rather exciting. I don't really have anything to announce today, I just wanted to christen my new blog! Oh actually, that's not true. My cat bit me on my bare leg today - I was not amused. And I listed five new pieces of button jewellery on my etsy site - 'twould be wonderful if you would check them out!

I'd also love it if you'd follow me. I really want to share my adventures in the world of crafting with like-minded individuals who appreciate everything handmade! x